Trying to talk with torrent trackers via DHT using PHP (part 1 - Ping)
Yo, I have decided to implement an interesting thing: Why not try to create a DHT client in PHP, just for fun? Maybe I would be able to scrap the DHT network with PHP?
So, first thing first: I have no idea how DHT works 😞
From a quick Google search, I see that there is no working example of this in PHP 😞 😞 😞
But I found this:
import bencode
import random
import socket
# Generate a 160-bit (20-byte) random node ID.
my_id = ''.join([chr(random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(20)])
# Create ping query and bencode it.
# "'y': 'q'" is for "query".
# "'t': '0f'" is a transaction ID which will be echoed in the response.
# "'q': 'ping'" is a query type.
# "'a': {'id': my_id}" is arguments. In this case there is only one argument -
# our node ID.
ping_query = {'y': 'q',
't': '0f',
'q': 'ping',
'a': {'id': my_id}}
ping_query_bencoded = bencode.bencode(ping_query)
# Send a datagram to a server and recieve a response.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
(socket.gethostbyname(''), 6881))
r = s.recvfrom(1024)
ping_response = bencode.bdecode(r[0])
So, I should be able to implement this in PHP, should be fun:D
A quick search, and I got this:
composer require rych/bencode
Somebody would call that cheating, I call it: progress 😈
Final ping result
use Rych\Bencode\Bencode;
include_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
if(!$socket) die('socket failed');
$myId = generateId();
print 'ping'.PHP_EOL;
fwrite($socket, Bencode::encode([
'y' => 'q',
't' => '0f',
'q' => 'ping',
'a' => [
'id' => $myId