So, as the first post, I will describe how I set up this page (it will be short because I already forgot some things ๐Ÿ˜›

Jekyll install journey:

I followed these instructions:

But, for some reason, I used some old instructions and spent understanding strange ruby/gem errors. Never used it, so it was a mystery to me. But somehow, I got it working.

Then, because I am lazy and sometimes I prefer a nice GUI over editing config files, I Google searched for Jekyll admin. And what I found:

Just added these to Gemfile

gem 'jekyll-admin', group: :jekyll_plugins

And ran these commands:

bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

And after opening: http://localhost:4000/admin/

I was greeted with the similar page: Administrator

Well after using it, I will probably try to find something better, because image management for blog posts isnโ€™t smooth. But for now it will be fine.

Time to publish it for free (well I have a domain, but hosting is free)

So how do we get free hosting, that we can trust (well not fully, but it should be stable enough for me)

Itโ€™s github, you will ask how? Github is just for source code, you still need hosting. But nah, github has a neat feature called โ€˜Pagesโ€™.

I will create, github public project here: Then I will go to Settings -> Pages Administrator

And my domain registrar:

Final result: Screenshot from 2023-11-23 21-29-32.png